Take Divine Food from Every Experience

In everything, God's signs are present. But to discover them, you must be intellectually aware. You should be an awakened mind. The world is filled with God's signs. In every particle, even grass, every incident, there are signs. For the bee, there is nectar in flowers. For a believer, there are divine signs in every particle, in everything, in every experience, in every observation, in every particle. But to extract this, you must have an awakened mind.

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Wherever you may be, you could be sitting, walking, eating, you will make observations around you, you will have experiences and you will witness things. You must see all this so that you can extract divine food from it. You should take divine lessons from everything.  Be it a bird, a plant, grass -- in everything there is some divine food. An Arab poet once said:

In everything, there is a sign,

Pointing that He is one

In everything, God's signs are present. But to discover them, you must be intellectually aware. You should be an awakened mind. The world is filled with God's signs. In every particle, even grass, every incident, there are signs. For the bee, there is nectar in flowers. For a believer, there are divine signs in every particle, in everything, in every experience, in every observation, in every particle. But to extract this, you must have an awakened mind.

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